
Fact Sheets
The fact sheets listed below are free resources provided by the American Psychological Association (APA) Public Education Campaign. They are intended to help consumers learn about mental health disorders and how licensed psychologists may help people with a variety of health-related problems.
The fact sheets listed below are free resources provided by the American Psychological Association (APA) Public Education Campaign. They are intended to help consumers learn about the connection between physical and mental health, and helping them identify and change lifestyles and behaviors affecting mind/body health.
Mind-Body Health
Robert Coleman, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist

"Positive change. Empowered living."
verified by Psychology Today verified by Psychology Today Directory
Health Psychology - Behavioral Medicine - Forensics
Alcohol Use Disorders Fact Sheet
Anxiety Fact Sheet
Eating Disorders Fact Sheet
Mind/Body Health: For a Healthy Mind and Body, Talk to a Psychologist (4,295K)
Mind/Body Health Campaign: Stress Fact Sheet (176K)
Mind/Body Health Campaign: Job Stress Fact Sheet (173K)
Mind/Body Health: Did You Know? - Statistical Fact Sheet (204K)
Mind/Body Health Campaign: Heart Disease Fact Sheet (257K)
Breast Cancer Fact Sheet
Traumatic Stress Fact Sheet
Depression Fact Sheet
Choosing a Therapist
Other Tools
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
Process of Change
ADHD Fact Sheet
Anxiety NIH Study 
Grief Loss Trauma
Let Go of the Past
Core Mindfulness Skills